20Oct 2022

Fintech Law Chile: Blockchain and financial markets

El 12 de octubre de 2022, el proyecto de ley Fintec, correspondiente al boletín N°14.570-05, se encuentra ya en tercer trámite constitucional, y la industria fintech espera sea publicada en el Diario Oficial antes de finales del año 2022.

20Apr 2022

Decentralized escrow service: What is it and How does it work?

A decentralized escrow service is a smart contract running on a blockchain protocol that allows users to secure their cryptocurrency peer to peer transactions in non-fungible token trade.

15Mar 2022

Perspectives of the Fintech Industry in Chile for 2022

Analysis of the financial technology ecosystem in Chile and projections for the year 2022.

21Dec 2021

FintechLab team wins LaBitConf Hackathon 2021 using Near Protocol Blockchain technology

The “FintechLab” team achieved second place in the Latin American contest that welcomed the best IT professionals.

14Dec 2021

Legal tender digital currencies: the 5 most relevant economic measures in the El Salvador case

The government of El Salvador published the Bitcoin Law with the purpose of including more than 70% of the population without access to quality digital financial services

08Apr 2021

Solicitudes de préstamo validadas por VerificaPyme llegaron a USD 10 millones de dólares

It helped to obtain more than USD 0.61 million dollars in financing of working capital with a government guarantee.

19Nov 2020

Fintech Lab will go after investment seed capital

Fintech with operations in Peru and Chile seeks to continue growing in the local market and expand in the Pacific Alliance

29Oct 2020

VerificaPyme validated loan requests for USD 10 million dollars

It helped to obtain more than USD 0.61 million dollars in financing of working capital with a government guarantee.

26Nov 2019

How to start a crowdfunding company in Latin America?

Draft "Regulation of the Participative Financial Financing Activity and its Administrators" in Perú.